Saturday, July 14, 2007

What Happened Now Days?

Hello everyone....its been a long time i did not post anything due to the unhealthy environment....and during that time i was shocked with a lot of things until i cant show my tongue regularly (usually it does when i don't like what i see).....But i dont want to talk about the past coz it is totally UNHEALTHY! I more interested on present issue for now and this year we will celebrating our 50yrs of independence.

1. EYE OF MALAYSIA or whatever it may call, how come the budget for RM30++million been approved just for renting that air-condition rotating thing (1 year rental) when u can purchase for a RM3million++ (until it's break into pieces)? And why you've had given the production to the outsider? Local was waiting with the big smile (wish for the project been awarded) but not big enough i guess. The answer is...MONEY MONEY MONEY (in the envelope, under the table, straight transfer from the bank account or anything as long as it cannot be seen by other human but GOD does!)

2. How come the nation celebrating 5oyrs independence day but for the event like Citrawarna recently we are using an outsider as a consultant cum producer? And how come the budget approved is closed to RM10million (for the very simple yet not worth the amount paid event) but during the presentation (to get the job) all the local contractor (event management company) who want this job has been briefed to proposed within RM6million budget?
What i heard and what i see, a lot of human not really happy and some of them raised the issue in the parliament but after that it's became silent like u r in the isolated dark room. What really happened? Who's involved? Only human with a great HANDS knows what is going on. What happened to a local or Malaysian who are creative and yet dedicative to this kind of project? The answer is......MONEY MONEY MONEY (in the envelope, under the table, straight transfer from the bank account or anything as long as it cannot be seen by other human but GOD does!)

3. The football Association of Malaysia is doing a great job!!! Congratulations to the Malaysian Football team for being very kind to give 5-1 lost to China & 5-0 lost to Uzbekistan.....We are very PROUD of you! A lot of money, really a lot (from a taxpayer) has been invested to this bad so sad.
Readers!!! think about it and give a comment and we debate over pleeeeeeaaasssse! I hope u know the answer but i still like & proud to say: MONEY MONEY MONEY (in the envelope, under the table, straight transfer from the bank account or anything as long as it cannot be seen by other human but GOD does!)

4. The 2nd bridge of Penang, i am totally shocked! In order to built the bridge we have to get a loan and a bank from China (EXIM Bank) has approved the loan! It is a huge sum of money been borrowed from China's bank. For what? For What? Human wake up! Do u guys have the answer? The gerbang perdana project has been scrapped and then here there are a 2nd bridge of Penang. I think most of the human in Malaysia will agree with me if both project scrap and then more focus on the developing of human in the poverty kind of lives.

Human, GOD has upset and started to punish ONE by ONE....if u human don't believe it just shut your mouth open your eyes and see clearly your surrounding....If u feel it is too late to act to correct everything, its true....If u seek for help no one can help only YOU!!! But i dont know if u human does have a method to correct this thing....I pray to GOD not to wipe or erase our habitats away....coz we love what we are in peace even though sometimes u human catch us and put into the cage....but still u have to feed us a food & we still chewing a food happily ever after!

Long Live MALAYSIA......our best motherland ever! Happy 50th Merdeka Day!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Can anyone explain this...!

When i read this (actually this press report is in malay language) i felt really sad and i was really shocked, stunned and of course speechless!! How dare a normal people can do such things like raping a disable and considering a special people on this beautiful earth created by our beloved god? Can anyone explain this? This is really get done by a crazy and mindless people who don't know how to appreciate what is their life worth for....the only thing they appreciate is their evil desire!!

For those who dont know what exactly written in that particular newspaper i'll try to translate it for you. It's sound:


The abuser are really taking advantages on them... And I as a small people on this world would like to urged everyone to vote whether government should launch a heavy punishment for those who committed with this kind of crime? If yes what kind of punishment do you think worth for them..?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Katrina Oh Katrina....Where are You?

Kekadang ader gak rasa kesian tengok mangsa2 taufan katrina ni...sama lah macam tengok mangsa tsunami kat aceh. Tapi bila kenangkan balik betapa kejamnya presiden dia org ni kat bumi iraq memang patutlah pun dia org ni dapat pembalasan...barulah adil namanya....walaupun yg tak bermoral tu adalah presiden mereka tapi sebagai pembalasan dia org pun kena lah tempiasnya...what you give that what you get!! Kau usik Aku, Aku usik kau!! Aku tu saper?!!!Fikirlah sendiri.....hehehehe

Setahu sesumpah tak der lagi kelihatan kelibat pak-pak arab yg menghulurkan bantuan samada kewangan ataupun apa saja bentuk bantuan pd mangsa2 ni...tak tahulah plak kalau ader bantuan secara senyap-senyapan dari pak arab ni sebab takut nanti kena kutuk plak dengan masyarakat islam yg begitu fanatik, yg sanggup meletupkan badan sekeping anugerah tuhan tu semata utk menunjukkan protes terhadap penindasan umat islam.

Kalau dunia ni senyap sunyi tak der perang ker tak der penindasan ker tak bleh jugak sebab nanti tak der plak bahan nak dibahaskan dan tak de plak bahan utk dijadikan berita....bila senyap sunyi ramai plak org jadi giler pasal aman sangat!!! That why lah negatif and positive, good and bad, rich and poor are together....So kita kena faham sedalam-dalamnya tentang hal2 ni semua...Sebenarnya semua ni berkait dengan keseimbangan..BALANCE!So dpd perang nilah org boleh buat movie, dari keamanan org boleh buat lagu, dari penindasan org boleh buat novel dan bermacam-macam lagilah...That is the beauty of this world! Sesumpah tetap tengok dari celah2 pokok kayu sambil kunyah dedaun yg ader!! Apa yg sesumpah tahu negara tempat sesumpah lepak ni aman damai itu pun dari mata kasar sebab kalau tengok dedalam tak aman mana pun....Setakat tak der perang, tak der org nak letupkan badan dia org sendiri dan tak der kapal terbang nak dihalakan pd bangunan itu je...Tapi rompakan, rogol, pelacuran, pengedaran dadah, penagihan dadah masih ader dimana mana di sekeliling sesumpah...bukan setakat disekeliling sesumpah tetapi disekeliling kaum kerabat sesumpah yg lain...kalau tak caya bila jalan2 kat bandar toleh kiri aper yg kaum nampak dan bila toleh kanan aper yg kaum tau sesumpah secepat mungkin!

Pasal aper jadi bebenda ni pasal ramai sangat org terkejor-kejor dgn arus kemajuan sedangkan mereka masih kabur dengan aper yg mereka kejorkan...Pastu kalau kaum semua baca suratkhabor cuba sesekali baca kat ruang sidang dewan rakyat ker dewan parlimen ker walaupun ader kaum yg tak suka bebenda ni tapi just have a look, no harm what...sibuk sgt wewakil rakyat ni pasal kemajuan itulah kemajuan inilah tapi terlalu sedikit yg nak cerita atau bahas pasal kemiskinan, pasal ramai graduan tak der kerja, bantuan kepada rakyat yg disalurkan oleh jabatan kebajikan masyarakat tu cukup ker tak dan macam-macam lagilah yg patut dibahaskan pd hari2 bersidang...Aper yg penting memaki hamun antara mereka pas tu gaduh mulut dlm dewan...itu jelah yg dia org buat...pas tu claim milage dgn perbendaharaan negara...masalah tak settle gak...malam check in hotel pas tu cari kelab ader GRO paling koman pun lepak kat coffee house hotel ketawa terbahak-bahak...release tension konon...poorah! Isssh nampak mcm marah jer sesumpah hari ni...tapi ader sikit marah lah...sebab tak patut! Ader ker isu Akademi Fantasia dan corak pengacaraan Aznil yg jadi isu....bukanlah sebab sesumpah fanatik dgn AF tu...tapi diskus lah pasal benda lain....ahli parlimen yg bangkitkan isu tu plak sebenarnya adalah ahli parlimen yg kawasan dia byk org2 miskin yg perlukan bantuan! Memanglah org2 miskin ni tidak digalakkan utk menerima bantuan je, at least usahalah sikit, tapi mcm mana dia org nak memotivate kan diri dia org kalau org yg mereka harapkan sebenarnya byk demotivate kan dia org...

Bila Pak Lah kata beliau akan buat lawatan mengejut (ikut suka beliau) kekawasan2 ahli parlimen ni, terkedu sekejap ahli ahli bahas ni pasal tak tahu bila Pak Lah nak mai! Sebab kalau diorg dpt tahu Pak Lah nak dtg, confirm jalan buruk jadi elok dlm masa paling singkat yg tak terjangka dek fikiran!!

Oooops, dah mcm melalut jer seumpah ni pasal byk sgt makan daun kot....memula pasal taufan katrina, pastu sampai kepolitik negara....Tapi itulah hakikatnya...aper yg kita pandang, aper yg kita dengar dan aper yg kita fikirkan...Cuba kaum2 sesumpah semua fikirkan, betul tak?...kalau tak betul tak per tak der saper nak marah, buat bodoh makan daun jer!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Why looking to the hardest way in living on earth?

Firstly gua nak salute sedara afdlin shauki kerana hujah-hujahnya dan juga usaha beliau dalam memertabatkan karya beliau sendiri dengan bertindak secara drastik menjual album fuyoo! melalui laman web dalam yg lebih dikenali sebagai selamba kodok! Gua caya lu brader! Sesumpah dan rakan2 yg banyak kena sumpah akan sedia membantu dan akan terus menyokong perjuangan anda!

Secondly, gua ader terbaca kat dalam Harian Metro semalam berkenaan penjimatan menggunakan gas NGV....dan adalah interview 2 - 3 orang dalam tu dan bersetuju sekiranya semua kenderaan dipasang dgn gas NGV. Tapi sedarkah mereka bahawasanya buat masa sekarang ini cuma ader beberapa kerat jer petrol station yg ader kemudahan NGV nie...dah lah tu penuh dengan brader2 teksi....nak isi NGV tu pun kena tunggu que...kekadang berjam jugak!! Bukannya sesumpah tak setuju tapi biarlah benda ni diperhalusi lagi...memang tidak dinafikan penggunaan gas ni menjimatkan...Tapi lama kelamaan bila benda ni dah jadi satu major demand utk semua org harga dia akan naik jugak! Pas tu kita nak pakai aper lagi utk memberikan nyawa pada kenderaan kita....? Janganlah kita malu utk turun naik public transport mcm bas ker atau LRT Star atau Putra utk mengimbangi sistem kewangan bulanan kita...

Sesumpah mintak maaf bebanyaklah kalau kenyataan sesumpah dalam ni nampak macam kenyataan tak berakal....jgn sumpah keturunan sesumpah lagi ok!

Last but not least, ni kira first time sesumpah buat blog ni...jadi jgn lah mensesiakan kehidupan anda hanya utk memberi kutukan tanpa memberi sebarang sokongan....tajuk pun The Place Where Sesumpah Can Speak....Sebelum ni jenis sesumpahkan byk diam dan buat hal sendiri...tapi lama kelamaan sesumpah perhatikan keadaan sekeliling mcm huru hara apasal ha? Sesaper yg nak jadi kaum kerabat sesumpah...please do so...tak kisahlah sesumpah dari jenis aper pun...Let's speak for our community and be friend closely with the selamba kodok community!